The group that i worked in consisted of myself, Becky, Ben and Jamie. I found this group very easy to work with as we all listened to each others idea and added our own opinions to other peoples ideas. We managed the tasks between ourselves by starting off with giving each other the option to say what they would like to do within the film. Becky and I did the main filming, whilst taking on board what Ben and Jamie's opinions of camera shot, where Ben and Jamie took the role of the main characters in our short film.
2. How did you plan your short filmed piece? Did you use any other films for your inspiration?
We planned our short film together in a group, using a time line of the key events that our film will have. For example the first shot was of feet coming towards the camera, we liked the idea of not showing the persons face until the last moment because we liked having the idea of our film having a mystery feel. Therefore, we did take some inspiration of other films, such as James Bond, with the feel of it being sneaky and secretive.
3. What technology did you use to complete the task, and how did you use it?
The equipment we used for this task was a video camera and the macs. We used the video camera for taking different action shots within our film and the macs for editing the films and clipping our clips to make them run more smoothly.
4. What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?
When filming we had to take into account the camera angle that we were using and what affect this may have on the out come of the film, we also took into consideration the use of lighting in the room, because we wanted the lighting to reflect on the atmosphere within our film, therefore, the lighting was dark and suspicious. For planning we took into consideration what was possible to film within our environment and we also had to with stand health and safety policy. Also we couldn't get too carried away with what we wanted to do with the short time that we had. With editing we had to take into account what clips flowed well with each other and whether it was effective or not.
5. Which film conventions does the piece follow? e.g. music, match on action, 180 degree rule, camera work etc
The piece had to stick to the 180 degree rule and the camera work had to be smooth and of a professional use. We had the choice to add music, however it had to be music that we had made but we all found the music to be a bit "cheesy" and nothing seemed to fit in with our movie.
We did consider mise en scene when we were making our movie, as we used a dark room with only one light on, which was over the table. This gave an intense feel to our movie. We also considered costume, as Jamie was dressed as a stereotypical "Geek" as he was undercover from the bad guys. We wanted the setting to be secretive and detective like, i think this came across in our film as the setting was intense as we couldn't see who Ben was at the start and the anticipation of whats in the bag that Ben is holding.
8. How did you consider narrative? Is there a sense of a storyline? Can any theorists be applied e.g. Barthes, Todorov, Propp, Levi Strauss
Yes there is a story line in our film, that something dramatic and action like is going to happen with Ben and Jamie with use of the bag of which the audience does not yet know what is inside.
I think that our filmed piece was very successful as we used unusual camera shots which were very affective and we followed our first idea, and within the group there were no disagreements. However i think i would improve things by adding more drama within the short film and adding music which fitted well within the drama, because that would of drawn the audience in more, also adding more dialogue would of made the film have more to play with.
From this i have learnt about all the different and effective camera angles i can use, taking ideas from other people's films to adapt into any further film making. This will help a lot in my foundation coursework as i find this more fun than making a magazine cover as i find the editing and filming enjoyable as i can show more of my ideas within my finished work.