When holding a shot steady, where appropriate; He gave us a level 3, he thought this because of our good use of our equipment with the tripod and when we were doing point of view shots the camera shots were steady enough to understand what was happening.
Framing a shot, including and eluding elements as appropriate; He again gave use a level 3.
Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate; He said that when opening into the opening we did a good shot of our character and her surroundings, letting the audience take everything in first, so he gave us a level 3.
Shooting material appropriate to the task set; He said that we did the best we could with the equipment provided, as it would of cost a lot more money to use expensive equipment on our short opening. Level 3 was given.
Selecting mise-en-scene including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting; He thought that this was our best area, as he commented on the good use of the pill box, sick makeup and ghostly makeup. Which as a group we were very happy about because we wanted our make up and props to make the scene as there isn't any dialog in our opening. Level 3.
Editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer; He said that this area was hard to mark, this is because not all of our editing is finished and some scenes have been made in a different colour to the rest, so we knew before we showed him that this area was our weakest. He gave us a low level 2.
Using a varied shot transitions and other effects selectively and appropriate for the task set; Again, because we haven't finished with our editing he couldn't mark us on the editing side of this area, however, he did like the range of different shots we used within our opening, so he gave us a high level 2.
Using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set; We haven't added in our sound yet, which we informed Neil about, so he again said that he's take that into consideration. But we did have some natural sound over the top which he thought was very effective within the film opening, but because there wasn't a lot of sound within the film he only gave us a low level 2.
Over all Neil's view of our film opening is that the use of mise-en-scene with the props was good. And he particularly liked the pill box, as it informed the audience as to what our character's illness was. And he also said that the sick on her face and in her hair looked really realistic. He also said at the end that our story line is really good, and that was mainly down to the use of good actors within our opening.