8 Key Questions to answer before you start filming your coursework
1. The action that happens in our film opening is a girl is walking home late at night and starts to feel dizzy, while this is happening a diagetic sound of something wispering her name will be going on. She gets to the house and looks for her pills, Antipsychotic - which is the medication for people with schizophernia. She will enter the house and using an over the shoulder shot we will have an over the shoulder shot of the imaginary friend watching her. The girl is then sick and has flashes of her killing something with flashing images of the imaginary friend making her do it. This then leads to her going crazy in her kicthen, leading to the cliff hanger of her possibly killing her mother.
1. The action that happens in our film opening is a girl is walking home late at night and starts to feel dizzy, while this is happening a diagetic sound of something wispering her name will be going on. She gets to the house and looks for her pills, Antipsychotic - which is the medication for people with schizophernia. She will enter the house and using an over the shoulder shot we will have an over the shoulder shot of the imaginary friend watching her. The girl is then sick and has flashes of her killing something with flashing images of the imaginary friend making her do it. This then leads to her going crazy in her kicthen, leading to the cliff hanger of her possibly killing her mother.
2. The theme of our film opening is horror, so we aim to scare our audience while raising awearness about schizophrenia and the symptoms behind it. In a way there is also a sence of obsession in our opening, as the imaginary girl is obsessed with the girl she's controll, as she doesnt leave her alone and also the girl is obsessed with not seeing her imaginary friend. Victemisation is also a key theme in our opening, as the girl is being victemised and pushed into doing the things that the imaginary friend wants her to do.
3. The way that our opening is stuctured is that its set in present time but we use flash forwards to her seeing herself killing something. There will be no dialogue here but there will be both diegetic and non-diegetic. The diegetic sound we'll use will be of her panting and stabbing something, while over lapping with the tension thrilling non-diegetic sound of music.
4. There are two characters in our film opening, the main character doesn't have a name but is played by Abbi Stilgoe. The girl suffers from schizophernia. The reason i wanted to use Abbi is because she (in the nicest way) doesn't stand out in the crowd as being ill, like her character therefore i wanted to show that anyone can suffer with schizophernia.
The other character is Abbi's characters imaginary friend, played by Chloe Smith. Chloe's appearance on the other hand is very harsh and scary in our film. She's playing a girl of the same age as Abbi of around 17 years, but is dressed in a blood and mud stained while top which is ripped all over along with ripped legins. Chloe's make up is going to be pale and bruised, kind of like Samara off "The Ring" her hair is also going to cover her face as i think this will add tension onto Chloe's character.
5. The choice of location is my house. This is because it's easily accessable from school. But also because we dont want the location to tell the horror/thriller plot of our film opening, as we want the action to tell the story. Therefore we want the audience to relate to the character, doing this by them having the same kind of living life style as our main character.