Friday 22 January 2010

Planning Questions On Film

8 Planning Questions for your film

1. Is it practical?
Yes. Our practical idea will easily be done as we are not adding any highly technical effects. Also we are doing the costume and makeup for our actors our self, so we wont have to spend loads of money on making our characters look realistic. Our location is also very practical as its where everyone can easily get to, both actors and us filming. This will also lower any costs and hassle of everyone getting to the location on time. Also having the actors as close friends who live close to the location will make it easier, also saving valuable time.

2. Is it an idea that works to the strengths of the group?
Something which I found has straightened the group is that we all gave our own ideas about the film, which made us all understand what the other one was thinking, this then led to us feeling comfortable with each other about how we felt and we knew that the others wouldn't laugh about that idea. Also relying on each other to show up and be ready to give ideas and put them to action makes the group stronger, as it shows that we're all willing to work. The individual qualities which we all bring make our group stronger, Rob does this by being motivational every lesson - coming in wanting to get something done in every lesson and not to waste time. Becky strength i think is making our story simpler, she did this by when we were planning our opening Rob and I wanted to do really adventurous things, but Becky dragged us back down telling us to think about what is easily accessible. I think the strengths that i bring into the group is that I'm very artistic, as i drew pictures of the costumes and took photos of the locations, this makes the group stronger as it creates a picture for the rest of the group and anyone who wants to see what we're aiming to do.

3. Will it show off the skills you have learnt so far on the course?
I think this practical exercise will show of the the skills i have learnt so far on the course, because we're using a variety of different camera shots while filming and using effective editing skills when editing. Therefore, it will show how much i have learnt but also expanding new ideas and adapting them to make a effective film opening. As we do want to show what we had learnt we are putting in match on action, 180 degree rule and a whole range of shots.

4. Is it something you can reasonably shoot and edit in the time available?
Yes. We have already started planning the maxi um time we can spend on filming while leaving enough time for editing. Also as the location is only a 5 minute walk from school, it wont waste time on getting there, giving us more time to film. The opening however, as we want her to be walking home in the dark we will have to do in the evening, this could be difficult if not everyone can get there due to the lack of transport.

5. Can you get access/ permission to shoot in the chosen location at the chosen times?
Yes, as it's going to be filmed in my house, and with permission from my parents (who are fine about us filming in the house as long as we don't make too much mess). This is very useful as we don't have to schedule a time to film as my house is always open, it will just be a case of when everyone is free at the same time. As the location, as i said, is close by the access of the location will be very easy, again not letting us waste time on getting there.

6. Can you organise lighting to use in that location?
This is the only thing that we might not be able to use effectively, as we only have the basic lighting in my house, however, as most of it is filmed in the kitchen, where there are many different lights scattered around the room, which will either make the room brighter or more dull, depending on what lighting we're wanting to achieve.

7. Have you included dialogue? If so, will it work to shoot conversation in that location?
As we are doing a horror opening, and we want it to look as professional as possible, we thought that we should use the least amount of dialogue as possible, the only when her mother enters the kicthen and says "whats wrong darling?" This only dialogue in the opening will work in the location as we aim to make our location look as scary as possible with low lighting adding tension, so this line (which ends our film) will add more tension, ending the opening on a cliff hanger.

8. Do you have guaranteed high quality reliable actors to play the characters?
As both Becky and I do drama and know all of the actors in the drama classes and are close friend with the actors we have chosen, we know the qualities of these people, therefore we know that they're reliable and also are very good at acting. As they live close by there should be no problem with transport to the location and from the location.

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